Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Birthday Thought

Today is my birthday.  Another year older, and hopefully wiser.  Today I look back on what my life has been for the past years.  I had my share of disappointments, and triumphs, laughters and tears, sadness and happiness... but whatever I have been through I could say that I love my life and I have enjoyed each and every passing moment.  I may have my share of regrets, but I chose to focus on what lies ahead.

I thank God for His blessings.  I always tell myself that even if I do not have all that I want, God has blessed me with everything that I need.  I have a loving and supportive family, a good husband, adorable kids, and friends both old and new.  They are the treasures I hold close to my heart.

On my birthday, there is nothing I could ever ask for, except for God to bless my family, my loved ones, and my friends.  I also hope and pray for guidance and wisdom as I live yet another year. Happy Birthday to me!

"A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip" 



  1. happy birthday chin chin! may you be more blessed! thanks for following my blog!


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