Monday, April 11, 2011

I Choose To be Happy

Today I have decided that I want to be happy, 
I want to feel good about myself.  

I choose not to think about things that would irritate me.  
I need to stop worrying about tomorrow, 
but rather focus on what I can do for today.  

I want to be a better version of myself each and every day.  
If some people may not approve of me, 
or thinks differently about me, that is not my problem.  

I can't change myself according to what others want me to be.  
I have my family and my friends who love me for ME 
and I am blessed to have them in my life.  

As long as I know that I am not stepping on anyone's toes, 
I will continue to live my life according to how I know God wants me to live it.

Happiness is a CHOICE  
and today I am making that choice for myself.

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