Monday, May 16, 2011

Remember Only the Happy Moments

One thing on my wish list is to go on a "real vacation".  Because from what I could remember, vacation with my family is heading to the beach house of my in-laws.  For once I would want to go someplace where I could enjoy a few days off, just relax and not having to worry about anything else.

I don't really want to elaborate on what happened during that vacation, but I guess what matters most to me is that I was with Ross and the kids, I saw my sister in law and my cute nephew, Ross was able to spend time with his brothers, and I got to spend a few days with my side of the family.  I guess that's worth it!!

And as what I have been telling myself, I just want to remember only the happy moments of that vacation, and I guess these photos would say it all....

It was around 7 in the morning, we all decided to head out for a walk.  The main beach house was located about a few hundred meters from the main road.

I had to carry Micah because the sand gets in between her toes and she would start screaming that her feet were dirty.

We didn't actually go that far because Andre also wanted me to carry him because as I would quote what he said, "Mommy, Andre's feet is tired".  

A visibly tired and grumpy Andre.  Walking is definitely not one of his favorite activities..

After playing and running around, it's time to cool down.. so my kids decided to use the garden hose as shower and had another 30 minutes of goofing around.

We skipped going to the beach that day because of the big waves and we spotted a couple of jellyfish swimming around.

That same afternoon, the water was calm and we decided to head out and watch the sunset...

We were able to see the sun go down... such a beautiful sight.  And this made me realize that what matters most is that at the end of each day, is to be with the ones you love dearly, and forget those who don't.  Life is too short to waste it on people who are so bitter that they do not learn to appreciate the good things around them.

"The happiest memories are those spent with family."

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