Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dreaming of a "Dream Wedding".

When I was a kid, I remember our "yaya" taking us to the church just across our house whenever there was a wedding.  I would look in awe as the bride walks down the aisle looking pristine in her white wedding gown.  Since then, I developed a fancy for weddings and always dreamed about "my own wedding".

Back then, I would look forward to the Sunday edition of the newspaper because it would always have features of weddings in the lifestyle section.  It became a hobby of mine collecting pictures of gowns, and cake designs, and any article related to weddings.  I would picture myslef in every wedding gown design I would see, I even have a couple of designs I wanted to copy for my own wedding.

But sometimes, dreams were just meant to be dreams.  I did'nt get to have my dream wedding.  I'm not blaming anyone because it was a personal choice, at that time I felt it was not right for me to demand from my parents and my husbands family to spend on "my wedding".   I mean I just finished med school and then got pregnant, husband was still reviewing for the board exams.  It just did not feel right during that time.  I was thinking to just save the money for the baby that was coming.

My grandmother was the one who encouraged me to have a church wedding.  She said it doesn't have to be grand, what's important is that we receive God's blessing and be united not just in the eyes of man but also in God's eyes.

And so I had my church wedding last August 24, 2005.  It was a simple ceremony with just a few family members and I did not even get to tell my friends about it. Wedding attire was casual, jeans and a white top, The priest even joked that we were under dressed for our own wedding.  I had my son as soloist performing during the entire ceremony, as he was crying the enitre time. A simple lunch followed, no throwing of bouguets, no cake slicing not even gifts, hahaha!!

Looking back, I knew it was the right choice during that time.  Ross and I have been married for 6 years and blessed with 2 kids.  Married life is not an easy path, you come across bumps and fall down once in a while, but what matters is that you help each other rise up and go on.

Do I still dream of my dream wedding?  Of course I still do, I think it is every girls dream.  I guess if I ever have one regret, was that I did'nt give papa a chance to walk me down the aisle, and it hurts me even until now.

I may not have experienced my dream wedding, at least I still get to spend ever after with the person I love.  I think that's what matters in the end.


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    hi dockie! it's not too late to make your dream come true. you can have another wedding maybe a garden wedding this time in one of your wedding anniversaries. have some prenup pics. im sure your photographer friend would love to do it for free;)

  2. i also love weddings chin.. i would want to be wed every year if i could. hehe.. but i admire you for being so selfless.. very chin2 talaga. but its not too late to have one. and this time its going to be more memorable with andre as bestman and micah as your maid of honor! CUTE!

  3. Thanks Ivy and Ariane! Still optimistic na someday maka walk down the aisle ghap ako, but if not, I would be happy to help out with Micah's wedding in about 20 years, lol!!

  4. Hi chin, its never too late. I know that you will have your day...walking down the aisle..with ross waiting at the altar. We all look forward to that. And ill be your wedding planner. and its for free. on one on condition..i have to be in the entourage list :)

  5. Hi Apple, If ever that time comes I would love to have you as my wedding planner and of course you would be part of my entourage, kamo pa mawara, hehe.. ♥


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