Saturday, October 1, 2011

"Do Less and Gain More"

It's the first day of October.  How time flies... before we know it, we'll be saying goodbye to 2011 and welcome another year.  But before that, I'd want to take things one step at a time.  I recently came up with an equation that would probably be a good thing to remember as we go through life.  Simply stated, by doing less, we could gain more.  But this equation has limitations and would not apply if taken in a negative way I suppose.

Now, I am constantly reminding myself to be less pessimistic, less passive, and focus on being more proactive, and more optimistic.  I have to learn to not expect too much so I won't get hurt when things don't go as expected.  Basically live each day as it comes and stop worrying about the future, for now I guess.

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