Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Do You Say Goodbye?

How do you even start to say goodbye if you were not even prepared to go in the first place...
How do you find the strength to look them in the eyes and say you're leaving...
How do you tell them it's Okay, when deep inside you're falling part...
How do you hold back your tears and fight the urge to cry your heart out?

I can't seem to find the answer to all these questions.  It's just so hard to say goodbye to something you love to do, a routine that you've become used to.  It's hard to imagine that I won't be seeing all the smiling faces that would greet me when I come to work.  It's painful to realize that I would be leaving behind people that have been part of my life for the past 3 years, my workmates that I have come to love like family.

I can't say goodbye... because goodbye means turning away from it all.  

I would rather say "Thank you" for the friendship, the laughter, and the tears we have shared. 

Thank you for accepting me for who I am.

"Thank You" for all the happy memories that I would always keep with me wherever I go.  
Till we meet again...

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